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Solar energy storage equipment in photovoltaic power station type, belongs to the off-grid photovoltaic power generation systems, these systems install where there were no electricity, or electricity tension, unstable power supply, for off-grid photovoltaic power generation systems, design is very complicated, such as the installed capacity is determined according to the user’s power consumption, Battery storage is also based on the user’s daily electricity consumption and the local rainy day to determine the power of the inverter according to the type of load and power to determine and so on. Just on the specifications of photovoltaic inverter, there are 12V, 24V, 48V, 96V, 192V, 384V and so on. The specific choice of specifications and models depends on the actual demand. However, the price of lithium battery needs to be quoted according to the actual application of equipment to determine the parameters. A friend asked xiaobian, how much is the cost of pv energy storage battery 1kwh/parameter list? This xiaobian for you to sort out the information on the quotation sheet of lithium battery energy storage. Please see the following pv energy storage battery 1kwh cost/parameter list.

Hom photovoltaic zog cia roj teeb: colloidal roj teeb

Qhov tseeb specification ntawm daim ntawv thov fais fab chaw nres tsheb: 5 kW fais fab tuag

Lub zog hluav taws xob txhua hnub: 20 KWH

Standard storage required: 25 KWH

Tshem tawm qhov tob ntawm colloidal roj teeb: ntau dua 80%

Qhov tseeb specification ntawm colloidal roj teeb: 96V260AH

Specifications ntawm ib lub roj teeb colloidal: 12V260AH

Weight of single colloidal battery: 35 kg

Colloidal roj teeb uas tsis tshua muaj paug tawm: ntau dua 60%

Colloidal roj teeb ua haujlwm kub: -10 ° C lossis siab dua

Standard battery basic price: 7 yuan/ampere hour

Tag nrho cov nqi ntawm cov roj teeb colloidal: 14560 yuan

Hom photovoltaic zog cia roj teeb: lithium roj teeb

Cov naj npawb ntawm cov chaw siv fais fab: 5 KW

Lub zog hluav taws xob txhua hnub: 20 KWH

Pv xav tau cell loj: 20 KWH

Cov yam ntxwv ntawm cov roj teeb lithium-ion: Lub neej ntev

Specification ntawm lithium roj teeb: 3.2V50ah

Zuag qhia tag nrho ntawm lithium roj teeb: 48V400AH

Tawm tus nqi ntawm lithium roj teeb: siab dua 0.5C

Basic total cost of lithium battery: 30,720 yuan

Tsim lub neej ntawm lithium roj teeb: 10 xyoo

Lithium roj teeb tus qauv tso tawm: 99% lossis ntau dua

Hom photovoltaic zog cia roj teeb: lithium roj teeb

Txheem cell rau lithium roj teeb: hlau phosphate

Lithium battery discharge rate: 0.5C standard

Application standard specification power station: 3 kW

Lub zog hluav taws xob txhua hnub: 12 KWH

Specification ntawm lithium roj teeb yuav tsum: 48V250AH

Ib leeg cell txheem specification: 3.2V50AH

Tus qauv lithium roj teeb nqi: 1.6 yuan / watt-teev

Standard lithium roj teeb tawm: txog 99%

Performance of lithium battery at low temperature: above 0°C

Lithium roj teeb lub neej: 10 xyoo tsim

Accessories rau lithium roj teeb: kho vajtse BMS

Tus nqi ntawm lithium roj teeb txee: suav nrog hauv cov lus hais

Tag nrho cov nqi ntawm lithium roj teeb: 20,000 yuan

Warranty period of lithium battery: 5 years

Hom photovoltaic zog cia roj teeb: colloidal roj teeb

Tshem tawm qhov tob ntawm colloidal roj teeb: ntau dua 80%

Yuav tsum tau roj teeb specifications: 48V320AH

Specifications of a single battery: 12V320AH

Single battery price: 7 yuan/ampere hour

Tag nrho cov nqi roj teeb: 8,960 yuan

Txheem roj teeb tawm: 12KWH

Battery life: 5 years design

Lub peev xwm nruab ntawm qhov chaw siv fais fab: 3 kW

Cov khoom siv roj teeb: lub zog lithium tas li

Roj teeb lub sijhawm lav: 3 xyoos

Daim duab

Peb yuav tsum paub tias, feem ntau, tus nqi ntawm peb lithium roj teeb yog qis dua lithium hlau phosphate roj teeb. Lithium hlau phosphate roj teeb kuj tseem kim rau cov khoom tshiab, tab sis lawv lub neej kuj tseem ntev.

Rhiav Hoobkas