Should lithium batteries be “small and frequent meals” or charged overnight?

It’s better to eat small, frequent meals than one full night

Many people, once they buy a new phone, habitually run down the battery until they actively shut it down and then start charging it again, even using it three times before centering. In fact, there is no need to do so. Current cell phone batteries are lithium-ion batteries that are activated before they leave the factory. We don’t want to activate the battery by charging and discharging it like the old batteries did. Using old methods is self-defeating, not only does it not help, it damages the battery.

Some people, usually using mobile phones, use mobile phone battery active statement warning of the lack of battery charging, they think that there is a satisfactory battery charging mobile phone, is to reduce the charge and discharge of mobile phone battery, shorten the service life of mobile phone battery. In fact, today’s mobile phones are lithium batteries, pay attention to eat less and more meals, lithium batteries can play a more useful role.

Others believe that phones should not be charged while making calls or playing with them for fear of attack and explosion. Maybe I watch more news than USUAL. In fact, lithium-ion batteries in mobile phones now have a self-protection feature, which means they can overdischarge when short-circuited, actively blocking the power supply. Basically, there will be no attack explosions. And the offensive explosion is generally the use of the wrong battery is not necessarily the original, may also be the use of unqualified batteries caused by the accident, the probability of these work is very low, just normal operation, do not worry about the outbreak of these explosions. In general, the phone is responsible for the time, and if the fever gets worse, then not calling could be playing a game, or attacking unexpected work, which is also sad.

Others believe their phones can’t be charged at night, so they sometimes unplug them in the middle of the night for fear of damaging the phone’s battery over time. In fact, lithium battery is not like our fragile dream, when the battery is full, will actively prevent charging power, prevent overload overload, so do not worry about the damage of the phone battery, also did not get up in the middle of the night unplug power, peace of mind to sleep!

According to other statistics, 19% of people have dropped their phones in the water, mostly in the toilet! So what do you do?

And then what? Leave firmly? In the sun? Use a hair dryer? It’s not gonna save your kidney!

Now, save thousands of drowned kidney products! This is Condi!

Yes, it’s rice that every family eats!

How to save your phone? Just four steps! Let’s see!

Step 1: Retrieve the phone. Do not be in a daze, to use the fastest speed of the most agile skills out.

Step 2: Remove the battery. Do not press any buttons and do not turn off the phone. Take the battery out.

Step 3: Remove moisture. Remember, don’t use a hair dryer or put it on the stove, as the external heat can damage your phone’s delicate electronics. A quick scrub with a clean towel is the right way to make sure water doesn’t get into charging ports, headphone jacks, etc.

Step 4: Monotony. Leave your phone in a rice bag for 24 to 36 hours or more. This is a simple bento, which is easiest to operate in an emergency.

With an iPhone, the process is easier. Let it dry and put it in the rice!

Unsurprisingly, after a night, your phone will be in perfect condition!