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How to charge the phone correctly!

Nowadays, the functions of mobile phones are becoming more and more powerful. We use mobile phones more and more frequently, and our dependence on mobile phones has become greater. This also makes us often lament that the battery of mobile phones is not enough. In normal life, when buyers choose a mobile phone, the battery capacity of the mobile phone and the battery life of the mobile phone have also become key considerations for consumers. In order to make our mobile phone batteries last longer, have you mastered the correct charging method? The following charging misunderstandings that will reduce the battery life of mobile phones, have you been caught?

1. The charging time is too long

Many people have the habit of charging their mobile phones all night before going to bed, or not unplugging after fully charged. In fact, these habits are wrong. Different types of mobile phones take different time to fully charge, but basically they can be fully charged within 2-5 hours, which means that if you charge the phone all night without unplugging, the phone will still be fully charged. Continue to charge for 1-5 hours.

The current mobile phone will automatically power off after it is fully charged, but the mobile phone will also consume a certain amount of power when it is standby. If the charger is not unplugged, the charger will continue to charge the phone. The life span of the battery will decrease faster.

2. Charge and play with the phone at the same time

The temperature of the mobile phone battery will increase when charging, and the temperature of the mobile phone motherboard will also continue when the mobile phone is used.