- 09
- Dec
Kutheni ibhetri ye-lithium ye-18650 iqhuma kwimbali?
Imbali yokuba kutheni ugqabhuko-dubulo
Uninzi lwazo lufakwe kwiibhokisi zentsimbi. Iibhetri ezingaphantsi azikhuselwanga. Kwimeko ye-overcharge (i-overcharge), uxinzelelo lwangaphakathi luya kwanda ngokukhawuleza. Iingxaki ezifana nesekethe emfutshane, ubushushu obuphezulu, ukuguqulwa kwebhetri kunye nokuqhekeka kunokubangela ugqabhuko-dubulo.
Emva kweminyaka engama-30 yophuhliso, iteknoloji yokulungiselela ibhetri ye-18650 ikhulile kakhulu, ukongeza ekusebenzeni kuphuculwe kakhulu, ukhuseleko lwayo nalo lugqibelele kakhulu. Ukuze kuthintelwe i-casing yensimbi evaliweyo ekuqhumeni, ibhetri ye-18650 ngoku ine-valve yokukhusela phezulu, eyona mgangatho kunye neyona nto ibalulekileyo yokuthintela ukuqhuma kuyo yonke ibhetri ye-18650.
When the internal pressure of the battery is too high, the top safety valve opens to release the pressure to prevent explosion. However, when the safety valve is opened, the chemical substances released by the battery react with oxygen in the air at high temperatures, which may cause a fire. In addition, some 18650 batteries now have their own protective plates, with overcharge, over-discharge, short-circuit protection and other functions, with high safety performance.
Umbane ohambahambayo ngaphambi kokuqhuma, kuba umenzi wasebenzisa iibhetri ze-18650 ezingaphantsi ukwenzela ukugcina iindleko, kwaye waze wabangela inkcitho yeebhetri zesibini. Abavelisi bebhetri be-18650 bangoku ebalulekileyo njengePanasonic, i-Sony, i-Samsung, njl. ubushushu obugqithisileyo , Ungazikhathazi malunga nokuqhuma kwebhetri. Asinakusebenzisa izibonda ze-bamboo ukubhukuqa isikhephe, kwaye sisebenzise iimveliso eziphantsi zomntu 18650 ukuze sikhuseleke.