
众所周知,太阳能是光能的主要来源。 硅面板可以将光转化为电能,而传统的串联太阳能锂电池可以通过吸收额外波长的光来更有效地做到这一点。


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11 年 2021 月 XNUMX 日,由阿卜杜拉国王科技大学(KAUST)和 UT 工程学院的研究人员组成的国际合作组织在《自然能源》杂志上发表了题为“基于带隙工程的高效率”的文章。 过氧化物/双单晶硅太阳能电池”(EfficientbifacialmonolithicperovskitePaper/Silicontandemsolarcellsviabandgapineering)文章。


Team members completed this research together. Among them, Dr. Michele DeBastiani put forward a research idea and made the device together with alessandro j. Mirabelli.

University of Toronto electronic and computer engineering postdoctoral fellows YiHou, Bin Chen and Anand S. Subbiah developed the peroxide band gap, while Erkan Aydin and Furkan H. Isikgor developed the tandem top contact and layout.

The conclusion of this study is that the double-sided monolithic peroxide/silicon tandem solar cell utilizes the diffuse light albedo in the environment, and the performance is better than that of the single-sided peroxide/silicon tandem solar cell. The research team first reported the results of the outdoor test. Under a single AM ​​1.5g sunlight, the certified power conversion efficiency of double-sided series exceeded 25%, and the power generation density was as high as 26 mwcm-2.



新型串联太阳能电池的主体由硅层和过氧化物层组成。 同时,它们与许多其他化合物结合。 Stefaan DeWolf 教授说。 “主要挑战是串联设备的复杂性。 涉及到 14 种材质,每种材质都必须完美优化,以考虑反照率的影响。”

该研究的共同主要作者 Michele DeBastiani 博士说。 “通过使用反照率,我们现在可以产生比传统双极膜高得多的电流,而不会增加任何制造成本。” 该研究的作者包括多伦多大学电气与计算机工程系的 Ted Sargent 教授和博士后研究员 YiHou。

过去曾对捕捉间接阳光的潜力进行过研究,但尚未进行实验测试。 除了工程技术大学,阿卜杜拉国王科技大学 (KAUST) 的研究人员还与卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院和博洛尼亚大学的合作者合作,解决将间接阳光纳入能量收集能力所需的科学问题他们的模块和工程挑战。


“单面双面硅太阳能电池正在迅速增加其在光伏市场的份额,因为它们可以提供 20% 的相对性能改进。 在过氧化物/硅烷中使用这种方法比传统的硅太阳能电池更有效。 并且可以降低原材料成本。” Stefaan DeWolf 教授总结道。 DeWolf 和他的同事与加拿大、德国和意大利的团队合作开发了这项技术。

在论文的结论中,研究人员通过实验证明了如何利用双面特征来提高整个过氧化物/硅结构的性能。 由于使用窄过氧化物带隙,具有透明背电极的器件结构依靠反照率来增加底部电池的电流产生,同时增加顶部过氧化物电池的电流产生。

This matching is achieved for peroxides with a band gap of 1.59-1.62 eV. Compared with the single-sided peroxide/silicon series, the bromine content is the smallest, so the stability related to halide segregation is greatly reduced. problem. The team evaluated the performance of the double-sided tandem structure in field tests, and predicted the energy output of the double-sided and single-sided tandem structures under different climatic conditions.

在这两种情况下,串联都优于单面结构,这显示了该技术的前景。 这项工作展示了一类新型高效太阳能电池的潜力,该电池可以使用高性能但低成本的技术来缩小与 30mwcm-2PGD 势垒的差距。

From here, further improvement of equipment performance and expansion of technology scale are the next logical steps to bring this technology closer to the photovoltaic market.

Professor Christophe Ballif, director of the Photovoltaic Laboratory of the Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, Switzerland, did not participate in this research. He said. “This paper provides the first clear experimental evidence for a double-sided tandem device. The quantitative analysis of performance reported by the researchers is very important for establishing the stable equipment required for this technology to enter the mass market.”