Saksamaal süttis majapidamisaku

On March 3, the German fire department reported an explosion in an apartment building in southern Germany. The reason was that the battery energy storage system installed in the basement exploded due to a technical defect, followed by a fire in the basement, and the shock wave even pushed several doors and windows outwards. Pushed away and overturned the entire roof structure.

Pictured: Firefighters took the battery out of the building and caught fire again
A fire department electrician pulled a fuse in the house and removed the battery storage system. Five people wearing respirators took the battery storage device out of the basement and put it into vats of water to cool. Fortunately, no one was in the building when it exploded, so no one was injured. The house is now uninhabitable.

(Pildi krediit: tuletõrje)
10. märtsil tunnistas Saksamaa aku energiasalvestussüsteemide tarnija SENEC, et asjassepuutuvad tooted pärinevad ettevõttelt ja reageerisid plahvatusele. SENEC announced to all users on its Facebook that it has remotely shut down all its home energy storage systems, including three products: SENEC.Home V3 hybrid, Senec.Home V3 Hybrid Duo, and Senec.Home V2.1.

SENEC ütles teates: Intsidendi põhjust ei ole kindlaks tehtud, praegu puuduvad tõendid selle kohta, et plahvatuse põhjustas aku, ega ole viiteid sellele, et selle energiasalvestussüsteemis oleks tehnilisi probleeme ja energiasalvestussüsteemi sulgemine on puhtalt “ettevaatusabinõu”.

SENEC teatas, et õnnetuses inimohvreid ei olnud. Juhtumi põhjust pole veel kindlaks tehtud. Miski ei viita sellele, et aku oleks plahvatuse põhjuseks. Isegi kohe kaasatud väliseksperdid ei uskunud, et plahvatuse põhjustas energiasalvesti, kuid ohutusprobleemid olid selle esmatähtis ja otsustasid selle selge sammu astuda.

According to Senec, although the energy storage system is remotely shut down, the PV inverter is still active and can be directly self-consumed, so solar power is possible. SENEC also says that the only thing that doesn’t happen in standby mode is that battery energy isn’t stored and released because it’s isolated from the current.

SENEC lubas anda konkreetset teavet taaskäivitamise kohta niipea, kui ilmneb selgem arusaam deflagratsioonini viinud faktidest.

According to data, by the end of 2020, the total domestic battery energy storage capacity in Germany reached 2.3GWh, and the average size of battery systems installed in households also increased from 8kWh in 2019 to 8.5kWh in 2020. The issue of energy storage safety has been directly related to the safety of residents’ personal and property.

The SENEC official website shows that the SENEC battery energy storage products use “Samsung SDI high power density maintenance-free lithium batteries”, and the product information introduction shows that the SENEC.Home V3 hybrid energy storage capacity has two specifications of 4.5 kWh and 9 kWh.