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What is the swelling and bulging of the polymer lithium battery?

The first type: manufacturing process problems produced by the manufacturer

Because there are many manufacturers, many manufacturers save costs, make the manufacturing environment harsh, use screening equipment, etc., so that the coating of the battery is uneven, and dust particles are mixed in the electrolyte. All of these may make lithium battery packs appear bulging when used by users, and even present greater risks.

The second type: daily use habits of users

The second is the users themselves. If users use lithium battery products improperly, such as overcharging and over-discharging, or continuous use in extremely harsh environments, they may also make lithium batteries appear swollen.

The third type: long-term unnecessary and improper preservation

If any product is not necessary for a long time, the original functions will basically decline, the battery will not be used for a long time, and then it will not be better preserved. When it is exposed to the air for a long time, it is not used, and the battery is fully charged. Because air is conductive to a certain extent, too long a time is equivalent to the direct touch of the positive and negative electrodes of the battery, and a slow short-circuit occurs. Once short-circuited, it will heat up, and some electrolytes will differentiate and even vaporize, resulting in bulging.