Quomodo eligendi potestatem UPS copia?

Choosing a suitable UPS power supply must first determine three points:

1. What equipment do you need to use? Is there a motor in the equipment?
2. What is the power of your equipment? What is the required voltage for V input?
3. Quamdiu vos postulo pro potentia off tergum?

His tribus punctis confirmatis, sedes secundum tria puncta inspicere potes.
1. If the equipment is just ordinary computers, servers and other equipment, then choose the power of the UPS power supply according to 1.5 times the total power of these load equipment.
If there are inductive loads such as motors, compressors, water pumps, air conditioners, power equipment, etc., the power of the uninterruptible UPS power supply is selected according to 5 times the total power of these load equipment.
2. Magnitudo instrumenti potentiae est fundamentum tuum pro potentia copia aestimandi UPS potentia. Elige UPS copia secundum multiplicem in primo puncto.
Designed to the required voltage, that is the input voltage of your load equipment, there will definitely be 220VAC 380VAC 110VAC (there is less in mainland China).
3. The duration of power outage required determines whether your UPS power supply chooses a standard machine (built-in battery model) or an external battery model (long-term machine).

Si diu tergum potentiae outages tempus non requiras, dum potentia eu tutela pauca minuta et satis temporis shutdown, tunc machina vexillum elige;
Si relative longum tempus tergum desideras, tunc machinam longam agendi elige cum magna-capacitate UPS copia copiarum altilium. Calculus specificus in hac formula fundari potest [(battery capacitas * altilium voltage * number batteries) / onus potentiae] * potentia factor = onus Duratio horae est.