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Give examples of several types of operational errors that destroy the life of lithium batteries

The portable power supply brings convenience to our daily use, but some wrong operations in daily use and storage will cause the life of its internal lithium battery to end prematurely. This article lists several wrong operations that damage the service life of lithium batteries, hoping to help you prevent the safety hazards of lithium batteries to the utmost extent, thereby prolonging the service life of lithium batteries.

Most mobile power supplies are currently indispensable digital devices in our daily lives. Whether they are commuting on the subway, or on a flight, train or car at the destination, we can all see and enjoy our The convenience brought to us by the mobile power supply is a safety function for everyone. When using the internal lithium battery to make a mistake, move all the power sources ahead of time.

Most of the mobile power sources on the market today are lithium batteries (including 18650 or polymer), circuit boards and casings, which combine the three important parts of people’s traditional impressions. When it comes to the safety of lithium batteries, they will not be affected by various explosions. rise. So today we will talk about the correct operation of the mobile power supply, such as installing it in daily use, to prevent the internal lithium battery from causing the death of the mobile power supply in various ways.

Because the weight of the internal lithium battery is proportional to the power bank, and the weight of some mobile power banks is more than 200 grams with thousands of horse-level capacities, plus the use of plastic (11230, -55.00, -0.49%) shell plans, happen The drop of the product can easily damage the product shell. Especially for cheap, low-quality portable power supplies, the housing is made of very fragile recycled plastic.

Many electronic products on the market are very good at repairing lithium batteries. For example, when the internal sensor detects that the ambient temperature is too low, Apple’s iPad will automatically block the charging operation to prevent battery damage caused by charging at low temperatures.

Therefore, the same lithium battery, when we use mobile power in our daily use, we should also try to prevent the ambient temperature from being too low or too high, so as to avoid sudden reduction of capacity or permanent damage to the battery, directly wasting the battery.

Many people have heard the explosive news about lithium batteries. In recent years, lithium batteries have become so common that more and more electronic products use them to replace traditional batteries. Lithium batteries have just appeared. Due to technical reasons, its safety performance is very low, and fires and explosions occur from time to time, but through continuous improvements in technology, lithium batteries now have higher safety performance. Nevertheless, when a lithium battery is broken down or catches fire, it will still smoke or explode.

So when we have to throw away the mobile power supply, don’t throw it into the fire source that may be a waste of the day. A certain degree of puncture, fracture and fire will cause smoke or explosion hazards, and serious damage to the environment. It is worth noting that there is a certain probability that the use of inferior chargers will cause the lithium battery to explode. Compared with the discharging process, lithium battery charging is the most dangerous, which is why most mobile phones explode during charging attacks. Therefore, in daily use, we should buy those reliable or original mobile phone chargers for charging.

Due to the chemical nature of lithium batteries, there will be a slow voltage drop even if they are not placed. This is usually called the self-discharge phenomenon of lithium batteries. In addition, the self-discharge phenomenon of the internal power lithium battery in mobile is more obvious, because it is now an important mobile power battery. The battery is directly welded on the circuit board, and the customer cannot store the battery. When the battery is not in use, the circuit board of the standby or hibernation circuit is already in operation. , The battery ran out after one night.

Although the battery voltage of the cell to maintain the internal circuit of the mobile power battery must be lowered to the automatic blocking circuit to reduce power loss, but the current market maintains the mobile power circuit to set low voltages differently, so we should try to avoid the power of the lack of time for mobile power. However, The current battery will even directly lead to a sharp drop in battery capacity. So we bought a mobile power bank, and there must be a charging and discharging time each time, which is the best way to extend its service life.