Why we choose lithium batteries today 4 reasons

In Batteries, Lithium ion has become an excellent alternative To lead acid. Lithium ions are more widely used in commercial applications around the world, and their momentum in the United States goes beyond their traditional mobile technology foothold. Consumers looking to power their applications should know the key elements that distinguish lithium batteries from lead acid.

Next time you choose a power source, consider lithium-ion batteries:

Efficient and Cost Effective While lithium batteries typically cost more than lead acid, they also offer 80% (or more) of their usable capacity — some reach 99% — providing more actual power per purchase. Outdated lead-acid technologies perform poorly in this area, with typical capacity ranges of 30-50%. The reduced self-discharge rate also makes lithium more effective over time because it releases less energy when not in use.

In addition, studies show that while the upfront costs are higher, lithium batteries have higher long-term ownership costs.

Light weight and low maintenance cost, lithium ion technology is one-third the average weight of lead acid and half the average size, providing a convenient alternative for transportation and installation purposes. Even better, it requires no distilled water maintenance — saving a lot of maintenance time — and carries little risk of environmental contamination.

While the performance of all batteries suffers at cold temperatures, lithium-ion batteries far outperform lead-acid.

Safety Lithium’s volatility has long been viewed negatively. Lithium-ion batteries are actually less of a fire risk than lead-acid batteries because manufacturers typically take steps to prevent direct hazards like fires and overcharging. Lifepo4 batteries in particular are very safe for use in consumer applications.

While lithium batteries are a safe alternative, no technology is perfect. Make sure you are educated on battery use best practices to get the most out of your chosen solution and reduce the risk of unintended consequences.

Fast charging and long lasting lithium batteries charge quickly and have significantly higher service life than lead acid. Lithium has shown remarkable performance and convenience with a charge acceptance rate that is double its total capacity and requires only one charge. Lead acid, by contrast, requires a three-stage charge that takes longer and consumes more fuel.

The lifetime of lithium is well documented. Consider this chart, taken from a study comparing lithium and lead acid in stationary storage applications:

Here, in mild climates, lithium running at a higher discharge rate shows a higher capacity retention rate over a longer period of time than its lead acid counterpart. These measurements cover the low end of the total potential battery life of lithium batteries, as the technology is capable of 5,000 cycles.

When choosing a battery for a consumer application, it’s important to weigh all options and arrive at the solution that makes the most sense. While lead-acid batteries certainly have a time and place, it’s clear that lithium batteries are the most cost-effective and efficient option in most cases.

Interested in lithium ion, but still not sure if it’s right for you? Contact us.