AGV Battery market

This epidemic far exceeds any natural and man-made disaster that has been brought to mankind since the Industrial Revolution. It is almost certain that the world will enter a long period of adjustment and recovery from now on. Based on this, we must understand the following points:
■ 1. The era of high growth of pure industrial vehicles (forklifts) seems to be “over”. The relocation and transfer of manufacturing industries in Europe and the United States is unstoppable. “The era of globalization” has a tendency to draw rests.

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■ 2. The Sino-US trade and technological war will intensify in the post-war era. Examine the current strengths: in robotic handling technology (unmanned trucks, AGV, AMR, UGV, etc.), Internet of Things technology (fleet management), sensor and key component technology, new energy technology, lightweight handling, system integration, and Technical reserves in market segments and other fields and the company’s own strategic adjustments.

■ 3. As a huge industrial vehicle manufacturing and consumer country, China. There are more than 150 manufacturers, tens of thousands of forklift service providers, and hundreds of thousands of practitioners across the country. Will this situation persist?

■ 4. How long can you survive the winter?

Looking to the future ——

my country’s population size, geographic diversity, and consumption potential determine that this industry will never decline, and it is promising.

■ 1. From a historical perspective, any crisis in China will eventually be resolved by rural areas and cities. In the post-war era, the country will invest tens of trillions of yuan in a few years. Therefore, the “localization” of China’s economic growth is obvious.

■ 2. A considerable part of manned industrial vehicles (forklifts) will be replaced by a large number of robots (AGV, AMR, UGV, etc.), drones and intelligent handling equipment.

■ 3. The demand for lightweight handling equipment brought about by the aging population will explode in China.

■ 4. In the vast western part of China (rural areas), material handling and intelligent handling equipment for agriculture, forestry, and fishery have not yet been popularized, and the potential is huge.

■ 5. Enter the market segment. Including: telescopic forklift, truck-mounted forklift, special handling equipment and attachments.

■ 6. Actively expand and create EHS (Safety, Health and Environmental Protection of Industrial Vehicles) themes and needs.

■ 7. Industry “oligarchs” are bound to appear (manufacturers (including parts) and service providers). Shuffle the cards and drive into the fast lane.

Summary: Almost everyone should learn a profound lesson from this incident. In the present, letting the company survive is more important than anything! Summarize experience and actively embrace the future. It is worth mentioning that companies that relied on exports for everything in the past need to be particularly vigilant. Any enterprise (person) has a good time, even so, it still needs to reserve enough food.