Vtol Drone Market

Core point of view
With the rapid development of artificial intelligence, semiconductors, sensors, etc., UAV systems are
Generations, continue to expand capabilities and application areas. According to the forecast of the “White Paper on the Development of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Systems”, 2019-
In 2029, the global UAV system will maintain a CAGR of more than 20%, and the cumulative output value will exceed
400 billion U.S. dollars, and the industry supporting expansion and innovative service market driven by it is even larger. 1) No one
Since its inception, the aircraft has a rapid iteration capability that traditional aircraft and large weapon systems do not have.
The evolving application scenarios continue to expand, gradually expanding from military use to civilian use. With drone
The industry chain is becoming mature, and with the rapid development of flight control and navigation technology, UAVs have become miniaturized and intelligent.
The conditions of high-quality and low-cost. Consumer-level explosive growth in 2014 has formed a dual-purpose drone for military and civilian use
Bureau. 2) The use of drones requires the support of drone systems. In terms of technology, unmanned aerial vehicle systems are going

The trend of diversification, intelligence and generalization is developing. For military use, unmanned aerial vehicle systems will become advanced aerial
The main combat equipment of combat forces and the key component of systematic and intelligent combat. Civilian: Wide
The ubiquitous application provides an industrial foundation and market vitality for the development of UAV systems.

 The vertical take-off and landing fixed-wing aircraft has been the most important in the field of drones and even manned aircraft in recent years due to its unique configuration.
One of the most dynamic subdivision tracks.
 In 2020, vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) UAVs will accelerate militarization applications. Because it is not restricted by take-off and landing venues,
Able to adapt to complex terrain environments such as navigation and mountains, the U.S. lists vertical take-off and landing aircraft as the top ten futures of the U.S. military
The first of key equipment. In 2020, the U.S. Air Force released the “Agile First” project to promote electric vertical
Straight take-off and landing eVTOL UAV military application. A number of emerging eVTOL business enterprises participated, and currently Joby
Both Beta and Beta have entered the test flight phase. The project is expected to complete the airworthiness certification of the aircraft in 2023.
At the beginning of 2025, it will have the level of large-scale application and realize large-scale procurement.
 In 2020, vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) UAVs will continue to expand in the industrial application field, while continuing to
Accelerate the commercialization of urban transportation. 1) Industrial grade has become a new engine for the growth of global civilian drones,
The field gradually shifted from to C to to B. With the continuous expansion of application scenarios, it is expected that there will be no industrial
The human-machine market will surpass consumer drones for the first time and become the world’s main market for civilian drones.
According to Frost & Sullivan’s forecast, the global industrial drone market has a high CAGR from 2020 to 2024.
Reaching 56.43%, becoming a new growth engine for the global civil market. The scale of the global civil market will
Reaching 415.727 billion yuan, and the vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) UAV is also one of the development highlights. 2) VTOL
Accelerate the commercialization of urban mobility (UAM). In 2020, Japan and South Korea will take the lead in designing UAM from the top level at the national level
The industrial plan clarifies the critical time point for the development of UAM. At the same time, eVTOL companies are
Capital, including industrial capital (Toyota, Uber, Tencent, etc.), has stepped up its deployment to help
Li UAM commercialization process.