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E Scooter Battery Maintenance in Winter

If you don’t pay attention to these 4 details in winter, the electric vehicle battery will be scrapped in advance! 【 Lead acid battery maintenance knowledge 】

With the sudden drop of temperature, “electric cars can not run as far as before”, “the number of charging” sound is more and more, many people mistakenly think that this is caused by the quality of the battery, but in fact, it is not. So why don’t electric cars go far in winter? Batteries can freeze in the winter, too. At present, the electric vehicle is mainly lead-acid battery, and the best use of lead-acid battery temperature environment is 25 degrees Celsius, when the temperature drops, the activity of various substances of lead-acid battery will be reduced, and then the resistance increases, the capacity of the battery will be smaller, the effect of charging will be reduced, storage capacity will decline.

With the sudden drop of temperature, “electric cars can not run as far as before”, “the number of charging” sound is more and more, many people mistakenly think that this is caused by the quality of the battery, but in fact, it is not. So why don’t electric cars go far in winter?

Batteries can freeze in the winter, too. At present, the electric vehicle is mainly lead-acid battery, and the best use of lead-acid battery temperature environment is 25 degrees Celsius, when the temperature drops, the activity of various substances of lead-acid battery will be reduced, and then the resistance increases, the capacity of the battery will be smaller, the effect of charging will be reduced, storage capacity will decline. If you do not pay attention to these four details, it is normal to scrap the battery in advance.

Charge frequently and charge fully

The electric car in winter is easy to use up the battery, so, if there are conditions, we must charge in time, do not use electricity deficit. Every time the electric car is full, it should be full of electricity and then use.

Keep batteries warm

The optimal ambient temperature of the battery is 25 degrees Celsius. In the cold temperature of winter, it is necessary to increase the charging voltage and prolong the charging time, and certain anti-freezing measures need to be taken.

Be good at assisting when riding

In some downhill spots, use inertia as much as possible, cut power early and slide. In the distance is red light, you can advance into the taxi, so as to reduce the pressure of deceleration.

Pay attention to the battery moisture

When the battery enters the room from the low temperature outside, the surface of the battery will appear frost phenomenon. In order to avoid the phenomenon of battery leakage, should be promptly wiped clean, such as battery dry after charging. Finally, pay attention to in winter, do not drive to the deep water, to prevent the battery, motor damp, but also need to pay attention to moisture, if conditions, you can choose to put indoors, if only placed outdoors, you can also choose to cover with a moisture-proof cloth, which also has a certain effect.

Do these four, the winter battery can still be very powerful. Don’t blame the battery, treat it well, it will accompany you to ride longer and longer.

Lithium batteries replace lead-acid batteries

Of course, if you want to make things a little easier, you can use lithium batteries instead of lead-acid batteries. Lithium battery pack in winter low temperature 0-5 degrees below the temperature, about 90% of the summer, although there is a decline, but not too obvious. High energy density is the biggest advantage of ternary lithium batteries, the platform is an important indicator of the battery energy density and voltage, determines the basic performance and cost of batteries, the higher the voltage platform, the greater the specific capacity, so the same volume, weight, and even the same ampere hour battery, high voltage platform ternary material lithium battery life is longer.

Compared with lead-acid batteries, lithium batteries are smaller and lighter. Lithium-ion batteries are about 2/3 the volume of lead-acid batteries and about 1/3 the weight of lead-acid batteries. Lithium-ion batteries of the same size have higher capacity than lead-acid batteries, and the weight loss increases the electric car’s range by around 10%. In terms of charge and discharge, lithium batteries have stronger durability than lead-acid batteries. When used at room temperature, lithium batteries can be continuously charged for 48 hours without battery expansion, leakage and rupture accidents, and their capacity remains above 95%. And in the special charger, can be charged and discharged quickly. Deep charge and deep discharge more than 500 times, but also no memory, the general life of the basic in 4 to 5 years or so.