BYD Toyota teamed up! Or export “Blade Batteries” to India

With the continuous improvement of market recognition, BYD’s “blade battery” is also expanding its business map on a global scale.

The reporter recently learned that BYD’s Fudi Battery is recruiting relevant overseas market personnel, including customs and logistics personnel who are familiar with the import and export policies of the Indian market.

Regarding whether Fudi batteries will enter the Indian market, the relevant person in charge of BYD said “no comment”. However, another piece of news is very consistent with the plan.

At the same time as the recruitment of Fudi Battery, there was news in the industry that Toyota will cooperate with Maruti Suzuki, a joint venture between Maruti and Suzuki in India, to jointly develop the electric vehicle market in India. The first electric model or It is a medium-sized SUV, codenamed YY8. In addition, the two parties will develop at least 5 products based on the scalable 40L skateboard platform (codenamed 27PL), and these products are expected to carry BYD’s “blade battery”.

Toyota and Maruti Suzuki hope to jointly sell 125,000 electric vehicles a year, including 60,000 in India. According to local media reports in India, Maruti Suzuki hopes that the price of its pure electric SUV will be controlled between 1.3 million and 1.5 million rupees (about 109,800 to 126,700 yuan).

The cooperation between Toyota and BYD has a long history. In March 2020, BYD Toyota Electric Vehicle Technology Co., Ltd., headquartered in Shenzhen, was officially established. According to the plan, Toyota will launch an all-electric small car based on the BYD e3.0 platform and equipped with a “blade battery” for the Chinese market by the end of this year, and the price may be lower than 200,000 yuan.

Whether in the Indian or Chinese markets, Toyota’s relatively low pricing of bicycles is due to the relatively low cost of “blade batteries”. “Blade battery” as a lithium iron phosphate battery, the cost is lower than the ternary lithium battery, but its energy density is much higher than the traditional lithium iron phosphate battery. Bhagava, chairman of Maruti Suzuki, once said that “new energy vehicles with higher costs cannot fundamentally gain a foothold in the Indian auto market, which is mainly based on selling cheap models.” Therefore, the entry of “blade batteries” into the Indian market is also There are more opportunities and possibilities.

Meanwhile, BYD has long coveted the nascent electric vehicle market in India. As early as 2013, the BYD K9 became the first pure electric bus in the Indian market, setting a precedent for the electrification of public transport in the country. In 2019, BYD received an order for 1,000 pure electric buses in India.

In early February this year, BYD’s first batch of 30 e6s was officially delivered in India. It is understood that the car is priced at 2.96 million rupees (approximately RMB 250,000) in India, and is mainly used for rental car-hailing. BYD India has designated 6 dealers in 8 cities and started selling to B-end customers. When promoting the e6, BYD India highlighted its “blade battery”.

In fact, the Indian government attaches great importance to the promotion of new energy vehicles. In 2017, the Indian government said that India will stop selling fuel vehicles in 2030 to fully embrace the arrival of electrification. In order to promote the development of the country’s new energy vehicle industry, the Indian government plans to invest 260 billion rupees (about 22.7 billion yuan) in the next five years to provide subsidies for enterprises producing new energy vehicles.

Despite a rather attractive subsidy policy, the promotion of electric vehicles in the country has not been satisfactory due to the complexity of the Indian market.

In the opinion of industry analysts, in addition to non-local car companies such as Toyota and BYD, Tesla and Ford are also experiencing many twists and turns in the process of entering Indian production, and the government’s protection of local car companies is also “persuaded” “Retired” many car companies. “Whether the ‘blade battery’ can enter the Indian market with the help of Toyota in the end depends on the actual landing situation.” The person said.