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How far are hydrogen vehicles from domestic car owners?

my country has mastered the core technology of hydrogen fuel power batteries for vehicles.

Bandhigga Shirkadda Sunnew_ 页面 _14

At present, hydrogen fuel-powered lithium battery vehicles are gradually exerting strength in our country. According to industry analysts, if 2017 is regarded as my country’s “first year of hydrogen fuel-powered lithium battery vehicles”, then 2018 is an important beginning for large-scale commercialization. As far as the majority of domestic car owners are concerned, how far are hydrogen fuel-powered lithium battery vehicles from them? Read the following to understand the situation.

Recently, at the first batch of signing conferences for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements in 2018·my country University of Geosciences (Wuhan), Wuhan Institute of Geological Resources and Environmental Industrial Technology and Wuhan Jiuxing Financial Holding Group Co., Ltd. reached a cooperation agreement with an agreement amount of up to 2 billion yuan. The project is expected to form an annual production capacity of 50,000 vehicles by 2020. Coincidentally, recently, the Nissan News reported that Nissan announced the suspension of plans to cooperate with Daimler and Ford on the development of fuel-powered lithium battery vehicles, focusing its efforts on the development of electric vehicles. The hydrogen fuel-powered lithium battery technology that was once highly praised has encountered a development bottleneck in its home base, Japan.

Different from the resistance encountered in the development of hydrogen fuel vehicles abroad, hydrogen fuel-powered lithium battery vehicles are gradually exerting strength in our country. According to industry analysts, if 2017 is regarded as my country’s “first year of hydrogen fuel-powered lithium battery vehicles”, then 2018 is an important beginning for large-scale commercialization. For the majority of domestic car owners, hydrogen fuel-powered lithium batteries How far is the car from them?

Technology is the core

“The use of new pollution-free clean energy to replace existing fossil energy is the current development trend. Compared with traditional vehicles, hydrogen fuel-powered lithium battery vehicles have an energy conversion rate of up to 60% to 80%, and they are internal combustion engines. The core technology of hydrogen fuel-powered lithium batteries is membrane electrode, including electrolyte membrane and catalyst technology.” said Xie Jinshui, chief engineer of Wuhan Himalaya Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Himalaya Company), said The high cost of hydrogen fuel-powered lithium batteries restricts the development of the hydrogen energy industry.

In order to solve the industrialization problem of long-term dependence on imports of key materials such as catalysts required for the production of fuel-powered lithium batteries in my country, break the long-term monopoly of a few developed countries on the key technologies of fuel-powered lithium batteries, and promote the localization and industrialization of fuel-powered lithium batteries. , my country has initially realized and achieved some results. A few days ago, my country’s self-developed hydrogen fuel vehicles with independent intellectual property rights have been successfully trial-run in Xianning, Hubei.

“At present, we have conquered the mass production technology of fuel-powered lithium battery catalysts, as well as the research and development and process preparation of key materials such as membrane electrodes and bipolar plates. A total of 17 authorized patents have been obtained to achieve the development of key materials and components for hydrogen fuel-powered lithium batteries. Localization, its cost can be reduced by 50% to 80% compared with imported similar products, and the quality and performance of some parts have exceeded that of imported products.” The person in charge of Himalaya Company said that in May last year, the company has established an annual production of 1,000 fuel-powered lithium The battery stack production line will have an annual output capacity of 12,000 units this year. This can not only break the long-term monopoly of a few countries, but also lay the foundation for accelerating the development of my country’s hydrogen energy industry.

R&D is the key

“Internationally, the development of hydrogen fuel-powered lithium battery vehicles can be roughly divided into three stages. The exploration began in the 1990s to prove that fuel-powered lithium battery vehicles can meet the performance requirements of automotive applications; important solutions from 2005 to 2012 Battery life issues. For example, the U.S. Department of Energy requires the life of fuel-powered lithium batteries for buses to be greater than 10,000 hours, and for cars to be greater than 5,000 hours. It has entered the initial stage of commercialization. On the cost, hydrogen refueling station matching and other problems.” said Yi Baolian, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and a researcher at the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

In order to solve the high cost and technical problems, foreign car companies have also accelerated the pace of cooperation. According to foreign media reports, recently, Audi and Hyundai have reached a patent cross-licensing, and the two companies can jointly develop hydrogen fuel-powered lithium battery vehicles. This agreement means that both parties can mutually use hydrogen fuel-powered lithium battery technology and patents, speeding up the application and landing of this method. At the same time, this kind of cooperation also facilitates the sharing of research and development costs between the two parties, and can promote the mass production of hydrogen fuel-powered lithium battery vehicles faster and more effectively, thereby accelerating profitability. In addition, the two parties hope that this cooperative relationship can make themselves a leader in new energy vehicles in the industry, set a benchmark for vehicles with new energy power systems, and promote the development of global new energy vehicles.

According to reports, the Audi brand has been committed to the research and development of hydrogen fuel-powered lithium batteries for nearly 20 years. From the first test car in 2004 to the announcement of the h-tronquattro concept car in 2016, the Audi brand has been proving its R&D capabilities in the field of hydrogen fuel-powered lithium batteries. . The Hyundai brand is also in a leading position in the field of hydrogen fuel-powered lithium batteries. It has a history of more than ten years of research and development, and has accumulated a wealth of relevant experience. In this year, it launched the second-generation hydrogen fuel-powered lithium battery model NEXO, so both parties chose It has joined forces to jointly develop hydrogen fuel-powered lithium battery vehicles.

At present, my country is also vigorously encouraging, supporting and actively promoting the development of domestic fuel-powered lithium batteries. In May 2016, the State Council issued the “National Innovation-Driven Development Strategy Outline”, proposing to “develop a new generation of energy technologies such as hydrogen energy and fuel-powered lithium batteries.” In the “13th Five-Year” electric vehicle technology plan, the development of fuel-powered lithium battery vehicles is also specially deployed, and it is planned to increase R&D and investment in three aspects of key basic devices, fuel-powered lithium battery systems, infrastructure and demonstration.

In 2016, the “Technology Roadmap for Energy-saving and New Energy Vehicles” formulated by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology clearly stated that in 2020, 5,000-scale demonstration applications in the field of public service vehicles in specific areas will be achieved, and 100 hydrogen refueling stations will be built; and 50,000 will be achieved by 2025. 300 hydrogen refueling stations will be built on a scale of vehicles; in 2030, the commercial application of one million hydrogen fuel-powered lithium battery vehicles will be realized, and 1,000 hydrogen refueling stations will be built.

“For more than 20 years, the development of fuel-powered lithium battery vehicles using hydrogen energy as an important fuel is obvious to all. my country has now mastered the core technology of hydrogen fuel-powered lithium batteries for vehicles, and basically established fuel-powered lithium batteries with independent intellectual property rights. Power system platform, and demonstration operation. In terms of life, reliability, usability, etc., hydrogen fuel-powered lithium batteries basically meet the requirements of vehicle use, have the basis for large-scale demonstration and are becoming mature.” Yi Baolian said . It is believed that under the condition that the government continues to promote the construction of hydrogen refueling infrastructure, supports state-owned and social capital to participate in the development of the entire industry chain of fuel-powered lithium battery vehicles, and accelerates the improvement of hydrogen energy industry laws and regulations, the application of hydrogen energy will cover all aspects of people’s lives. The energy industry will also usher in a stage for broad development
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